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Published: May 27, 2020

As a reminder, the weather is warming up and we want to prevent violations! Please remember that all landscaping must be maintained in a neat condition to include watering, mowing, edging, pruning, removal of and replacement of dead or dying plants, and the removal of weeds and trash. Weeds not only create an eyesore but left unattended, can spread to the yards of your surrounding neighbors. For those homeowners with drainage easements, this includes making sure the easements are maintained by either mowing or weed eating.We have had some complaints about parking on the street. When you or your guests park in the street please make sure that it is in a way that will not impede on a neighbor getting in or out of their driveway or parking on a neighbor's property. No vehicle shall be parked along the street for a period exceeding one week.

In regard to the lakes, if you do not have a lake lot you are not to cross onto someone else's personal property without permission. The lake lots are not common areas for all homeowners in the community. For those who have direct lake access, remember to utilize your property only and not cross over anyone else's personal property.Springfield Lakes Homeowner Association prides itself in developing the sense of quality, graciousness, and beauty which the property affords. Please do your part and keep your property pristine to increase the overall value of the Springfield Lakes Community. Should you need assistance, please contact Legacy Southwest at 214.705.1615.

Springfield Lakes HOA

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